BSAMT Version 20230114 Updated!

Only two days later, the game has changed again! Since this build is a Staff Only build, lol. Don't worry, the next public beta is coming soon!


"How To Play" window.

Added textures to buttons.

Added "Staff" and "Detention" doors.

Add lockers in the map.


Error screen UI and timed off.

Slowed down version of the theme music after the first Gate is closed.

Modified some materials.

Changed the window frame.

The Option Menu is now more complete.

There have been minor changes to the taskbar.

The Pause Menu  has been redesigned and is now more beautiful and functional.

The door is no longer recessed.

The pitch of the Math Checker no longer increases with the number of questions.

The Math Checker interface has changed a bit.

More complete Option and save system, not sure if it works properly.

The lighting rendering system has been optimized.

You can press the "M" key to open Math Checker.


The taskbar will correctly display ten notebooks.


There is a door built into the wall.

Every time a teacher catches it, it triggers an error.

Files 75 MB
Jan 31, 2023

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